Coding Dojo

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JEE WebAuthentication


In this Kata, your a programmer at ABC Corp and you’re making a new web app from scratch. After the head architect started working on this, it’s now up to you to make sure these tasks are completed:

However, you’re not the only programmer (team) adressing this web app, so the LDAP is written by another team and what you have right now is this interface:

 public interface LdapAuthenticationGateway {
   boolean credentialsAreValid(String userName, String password);

and the single sign on registry is also written by another team, leaving you with this interface:

 public interface SingleSignOnRegistry {
   boolean tokenIsValid(String token);
   String registerNewSession(String userName);
   void endSession(String token);

Your job basically is to write one or more javax.servlet.Filter that handles incoming requests and act according to whether there’s a cookie with a SSO token, username+password parameters etc.

It’s assumed that there’s some form of DependencyInjection framework in place - to get a handle to the SingleSignOnRegistry or the LdapAuthenticationGateway , you’ll simply have to provide something like:

 public void setSingleSignOnRegistry(SingleSignOnRegistry registry) {

About this kata

This “real life” scenario has been used to demonstrate how mocking (using Mockito) can be useful. We’ve combined it with BDD and JDojo@Gbg will try to practice TDD using this kata (without mocking) next time around.

(“Real life” is quoted - proper JEE authentication should be tied into the container etc etc … The point with this exercise is that it’s fairly easy to explain how it should work and what needs to be done here with “real” Java EE API:s, and then focus on the “How to develop” aspect (TDD), but also to show/talk about the difference between mocking and stubbing.)