Number to LCD Goal: write a program that displays LCD style numbers.
Part 1
Write a program that given a number (with arbitrary number of digits), converts it into LCD style numbers using the following format:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
| _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|
||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|
(each digit is 3 lines high)
Note: Please do NOT read the second part before completing the first. Part of the purpose of this kata is to make you practice refactoring and adapting to changing requirements.
Part 2
Change your program to support variable width or height of the digits. For example for width = 3 and height = 2 the digit 2 will be:
This kata based on:
I saw a screen cast that Corey Haines did on this at
The code for his solution is at
The basic idea is the inverse of KataBankOCR