Coding Dojo

Edit on Gitlab

Elephant Carpaccio

Largely inspired by :


  1. Break into teams of 2-3 people, one workstation per team.
  2. Preparation - Each team writes down on paper the 10-20 demo-able user stories (“slices”) they will develop and possibly demo. Each should be doable in 3-8 minutes. No slice is just mockup of UI, creation of a data table or data structure. All demos show real input & output (not test harness).
  3. Discussion - Instructor/facilitator leads discussion of the slices, what is and isn’t acceptable, solicits ways to slice finer.
  4. Development - A fixed time-box of 40 minutes, five 8-minute development sprints, clock does not stop. At the end of each sprint, each team shows its product to another team.
  5. Debrief


We manufacture a point of sale capable of issuing cash register tickets.

Accept 4 inputs from the user for one or many items :

With a given 2 letters state code, we can compute the tax rate

With total price (without tax) we can compute a discount see tabular at end of subject.

Output the recipe like :

label of item     Quantity   Unit price   Total price
label of item     Quantity   Unit price   Total price

Total without taxes                             XXXXX
Discount X%                                       -YYY
Tax Y%                                           +ZZZ
Total price                                    XXXXXX
Order value Discount rate
> 1000 3%
> 5000 5%
> 7000 7%
> 10000 10%
> 50000 15%
State Tax rate
UT 6.85%
NV 8.00%
TX 6.25%
AL 4.00%
CA 8.25%

For other state tax rate see :