Coding Dojo

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Mathematical AST


This kata was originaly write to implement the visitor pattern


Step 1

Write a program they build and Abstract Syntax Tree of a RPN mathematical expression from a string like:

Mathematical.parse("3 6 +") be produce     / \
                                          /   \
                                         3     6


                                                   / \
                                                  /   \
                                                 3    (×)
Mathematical.parse("3 6 -6 * +") be produce           / \
                                                     /   \
                                                    6    -6

For the first test You must chose objects or structs you will have in your AST.

Possible solutions are :

new Addition(new Operand(3), new Operand(6))

new Operation(new Add(), new Operand(3), new Operand(6))

new Addition().setLeft(new Operand(3))
new Addition().setRight(new Operand(6))


Step 2

Make a method or function they build the RPN representation of AST

For exemple,

  / \
 /   \
3    (×)    should be represented by 3 6 -6 × +
     / \
    /   \
   6    -6

Make a method or function they build the infix representation of AST

For exemple,

  / \                               
 /   \                               3 + 6 × -6
3    (×)    could be represented by       or 
     / \                             3 + (6 × -6)
    /   \                           
   6    -6

Make a method or function they evaluate the AST

  / \
 /   \
3    (×)    = -33
     / \
    /   \
   6    -6

Step 3

Build the infix representation with the minimum of parenthesis.

Step 4

Implement operations: