Check the locations of the dojos at: .
Please update or add Dojo in the map if not there and fill out the list:
North America
- Alt.NET Montreal - Alt.NET Montreal holds Coding Dojo from time to time.
- PittsburghDojo -
- Oklahoma City Dojo - Meetings at the [OkcCoCo]
- [University of Houston]
- MSFTCorpDojo
- Portland or Seattle Coding Dojo
- [OttawaDojo]
- [Austin Code Dojo]
- [Orlando Coding Dojo]
- [Dojo in Sainte-Dorothée, QC]
- [Greater Boston Agile Coding Dojo]
- ParisDojo
- [LilleDojo]
- [AgicalCodingDojo (Stockholm, Sweden)]
- [Grenoble Coding Dojo]
- [Bordeaux Coding Dojo]
- Flash Brighton’s
- Brighton Ruby Dojo
- AllDayCodingDojo
- NetherlandsDojo
- AarhusDojo in conjunction with Aarhus .Net User Group
- [GothPy] Gothenburg Python User Group (Sweden)
- [MucNetDojo] - .NET Coding Dojo Munich
- Researchgate hosts a [Coding Dojo] once a month in Berlin
- Germany - Some people looking for participants for a Dojo in Düsseldorf/Cologne - [Valtech Blog]
- [Southampton]
- London Python Dojo - meetings are announced on [python-uk mailing list]
- [London Code Dojo]
- [Oxford Geek Jam]
- [CodingDojoDay - Milano]
- [Limoges]
- [Warszawa-DP] - Coding Dojo, Open Code Review and other related to Software Craftsmanship, TDD and Design Patterns (Warsaw, Poland)
- [Vilnius Coding Dojo] - Vilnius Coding Dojo, oriented for Python developers, using ParisDojo style.
South America
- SLUG Coders - [Mailing List]
- [Wellington Coding Dojo] - we run coding dojos with a Java-ish flavor every month or so..