### General
- How about the ability to actually do a code-dojo without
requiring any software (except a browser) installed on the computers
of players who want to do a coding-dojo? I have built a free,
no-advert code-dojo server to do just this as a service to the
software community. It’s called CyberDojo . Its url is
http://www.cyber-dojo.com I’ve also put a screencast demonstrating
me doing the KataRomanNumerals in Ruby on
vimeo at http://vimeo.com/15104374 (I’m
JonJagger by the way)
- As a DojoOrganizer and
DojoAttendee , I would like effective
PatternsOfCodingDojos to help with the details of what typically
works and what doesn’t.
- For each kata in the catalogue, I would like to find ScreenCasts of
what a good solving could be. (Yes, I am asking a lot –
ColinGarrigaSalaun )
- Change the rules for editing pages for just registered users that
can edit the wiki. We have a lot of spam here.
Software support for the dojo: user stories
- As a programmer interested in honing my skills, I want to find out
if there’s a dojo in my area I could attend
- As a DojoAttendee , I want to know where and when
“my” dojo is convening
- As a DojoOrganizer , I want to schedule and
divulge next meetings
- As a DojoOrganizer , I would like to hear about
good Kata exercises that other groups have tried and a summary of
the main things to be learnt from that kata. See
KataCatalogue .
- As a curious guy, I would like to see more photos and videos of the
dojos happening out there.
- As a DojoAttendee and as a programmer, I wish codes
published at the end of a session could be colorized
(syntax colorization) – PhilippeBlayo
- As a dojo organizer/attendee(see DojoRoles ), I would
like to have an automated process to publish codes at the end of a
session – PhilippeBlayo