Coding Dojo

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**Participants:** BrenoFranco , [DaniloSato](/people/DaniloSato) ,

FabricioSousa , HugoCorbucci , PauloCheque , ThiagoColluci and Yoshi

Scribe: DaniloSato

Kata: A simple Rails application


: 20:15 ~ 22:00 Presentation and Coding Session

This session was different than usual. DaniloSato would be presenting a session on BDD with Rspec and Rails in a local Rails event (Rio On Rails) on the next saturday. He decided to present a demo version of his lecture to gather feedback from the Dojo participants. He presented the concept of Behaviour-Driven Development and developed a simple Rails application. The application allowed participants to see the conference program, as well as voting on each lecture (either giving a positive or negative feedback, digg-style). The slides (in Portuguese) and the code are available at

22:00 ~ 22:15 Retrospective

The feedback from the participants were mostly related to improving the presentation (both slides and demo steps).