**Participants:** DanielCordeiro , [DaniloSato](/people/DaniloSato) ,
GiulianoMega , HugoCorbucci , JulianMonteiro , KellyBraghetto , MarianaBravo , PauloCheque e RodrigoPimentel
Scribe: DaniloSato
Food: DaniloSato
Kata: Karate Chop (5 binary chop implementations) in Ruby (codekata.pragprog.com/2007/01/kata_two_karate.html)
- : 20:15 ~ 20:30 Introduction
DaniloSato presented the Dojo concept, principles and rules. Slides available at (groups.google.com/group/dojo_sp/files)
20:30 ~ 20:45 Discussions and Affinity Map
Group discussion about personal motivations and expectations from Dojo. Results were gathered in index cards and placed in an affinity map, available at (www.flickr.com/photos/dtsato/795041697)
20:45 ~ 21:25 Coding Session I
In a mixed kata/pseudo-randori format, the group coded 5 different implementations of a binary search algorithm. The complete code can be found at (groups.google.com/group/dojo_sp/files)
21:25 ~ 21:50 Coffee Break + Retrospective
Food and more discussion, enhancing the affinity map.
21:50 ~ 22:00 Coding Session II
The groups tried to come up with different alternatives for implementing the binary chop algorithm. Discussions about a different approach, using Ruby’s continuations tok place but there was not enough time left to implement it.