Coding Dojo

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**Participants:** BrenoFranco , [DaniloSato](/people/DaniloSato) ,

FernandoRaganhan , HugoCorbucci , JacquelineMarchetti , JulianMonteiro , MarianaBravo , RodrigoFlores , RodrigoPimentel and ThiagoColucci

Scribe: DaniloSato

Kata: “Rede Ă“tica” (in Portuguese) in Python (


: 20:00 ~ 20:30 Discussion and Choosing the Problem

Some problems were chosen by e-mail as potential challenges to be solved in this meeting. We voted and chosen to solve another graph problem. We had to find a minimum spanning tree in a graph with n nodes and m edges. We discussed a little about the approach and different algorithms and decided to solve it using the Kruskal algorithm. The idea is to put each node in a separate set, sort the edges and for each edge make the union of its nodes’ sets if they were not yet reached by the partial spanning tree.

20:30 ~ 22:00 Coding Session

We tackled the problem in a RandoriKata style, programming in Python and switching pairs every 7 minutes. We were able to solve the problem and tried to submit the solution to an online judge ( in Portuguese). From the results, we simplified our code: instead of using Python’s built-in set object and calculating/updating the union of each node at each step of the algorithm, we decided to represent a set with an integer number and update a list indexed by the node number and storing the node’s set. The test cases helped us change the implementation with confidence. The final code is available at

22:00 ~ 22:15 Retrospective

We decide to change our Retrospective to ask a different question: instead of asking “What went well?” we asked “What have you learned today”. This helped us focus and yielded better results. We kept the “What can be improved?” question. Most people appreciated learning a new algorithm (some students didn’t know Kruskal) and using Python. Since FabricioSousa was not present, the environment was a little awkward and people missed his gadget .

22:15 ~ 22:50 After Session

After the session, most of the participants were upset that the online judge was not accepting our solution, reporting a “Time Limit Exceeded” error. They stayed a little bit more trying to optimize our solution and to change our output (this problem should accept different outputs for the same input). In spite of that effort, we were not able to make this problem pass. Some think that it may be due to the tight time limits imposed by the judge and the slowness of Python’s IO mechanism.

Update: Later, I was able to pass the same solution, implemented in C++ ( DaniloSato ).