Participants: Apologies, I forgot to make a list. It was about 10 - 12 people, around half of whom hadn’t come to a GRUG meeting before.
Scribe: EmilyBache
Kata: KataMinesweeper in Ruby on a Mac with TextMate and RSpec
- : 18:00 ~ 18:30 informal welcome, explanations and setting
- up environment. We had already agreed before the meeting which Kata
- we would do, and that we would be using RSpec, through discussion on
- the mailing list.
18:30 ~ 20:30 Coding Session
We tackled the problem in a RandoriKata style, using PingPong pair switching.
20:30 ~ 21:00 Retrospective
We talked about what happened in four categories.
- What pleased us
* Good for beginners to Ruby, syntax questions answered without disrupting flow
* Tests were very readable, partly thanks to RSpec
- What displeased us
* Several participants had never used a Mac or Ruby before, writing code was slow and frustrating due to keyboard and syntax difficulties.
* Multiline strings in Ruby are ugly (compared to python)
- What surprised us
* we didn’t solve the whole problem, although it was quite simple and we discussed design plans at the start (something we had thought at previous retrospectives might help speed progress)
- What puzzled us
* RSpec gives readable tests, but how on earth does it work underneath
* Why didn’t we start with the (failing) acceptance test instead of 0 0 input? That would have been better BDD.
* Why did we give up on using a regexp to split up the input and instead implement a state machine
- We resolved to try the following at our next dojo meeting
* KataMinesweeper again with Ruby and RSpec
* Windows environment instead of Mac (familiar to more participants)
* Start with the acceptance test then implement top down using mocking (NiclasNilsson suggested this)
* Be more aware of the Ruby-knowledgeable/Ruby-newbie ratio (says David Vrensk)
* Allow a Ruby-knowing person to grab the keyboard from a Ruby-newbie if the alternative is to dictate what to type letter by letter (David again)