**Participants:** [HugoCorbucci](/people/HugoCorbucci) ,
MarianaBravo , FabricioSousa , AdolfoRodrigues , MartinFabichak , LucianoPacheco , ThiagoColucci and aFriendOfMartin
Scribe: ? ( HugoCorbucci )
Kata: Expressions (www.spoj.pl/problems/EXPRESS/) in Smalltalk
- : 20:15 ~ 20:30 Choosing and Discussing the Problem (as Usual)
20:30 ~ 22:15 Coding Session
The problem was solved in Smalltalk with SUnit using Squeak. It worked in a RandoriKata style, switching pairs every 7 minutes. The main discussion was around how operations could be represented alike in pre, post and infix notation. We discussed how to build a tree operation and what was the differnce between prefix notation and postfix notation. Then it was easy to see it all involved building up a tree and making the right search on it. Spent the rest of the time coding the Tree in Smalltalk. The code is available at groups.google.com/group/dojo_sp/files but requires Squeak V3.9 to be run.
22:15 ~ 22:30 Retrospective
Some of the lessons learned from the session were: a lot fo Smalltalk (since few attendees knew it) and how to write any expression in pre, post or infix notation (or any other) by the use of a binary tree. Actions regarding next session were to have a simpler problem for new languages and, if possible, a Kata to demonstrate its use.
Action Items for Next Meeting
Action Item (Responsible)
- Preparing a Kata in a new language
- Buying more red post-it ( HugoCorbucci )