**Participants:** [HugoCorbucci](/people/HugoCorbucci) ,
MarianaBravo , FabricioSousa , AdolfoRodrigues , JacquelineMarchetti , ThiagoColucci , Luiz, Matheus, Claudivan, BrenoFranco , LeandroLameiro
Scribe: MarianaBravo
Randori: The blocks problem (acm.uva.es/p/v1/101.html) in C
Photos: Photos of this session and the previous one can be found at www.flickr.com/photos/22122356@N05/sets/72157604270236786/
Schedule (times are innacurate)
- : 20:00 ~ 20:15 Introduction of new members and dojo presentation.
- Choosing problem.
We’ll settle on C as a language for a while, because jumping between languages no one knows doesn’t get us anywhere. We’re also using, of course, our own developed C Unit Tests “framework”.
20:15 ~ 20:40 Problem discussion
We explained the problem and discussed a few approaches. We drew the possible commands of the block world on the board, to help us understand them.
20:40 ~ 22:00 Coding Session
We spent some minutes preparing the Makefile (no one really remembered how to do it and we got some errors), and then started coding. The Dojo C Tests worked fine, but we found some feature requests - possibly for future meetings. We started by what seems to be the most tricky operation (pile over) and we managed to finish a part of it.
22:00 ~ 22:20 Retrospective
Some of the highlights from the retrospective:
* We don’t know how to test that our program frees allocated memory
* We learned to write and use a Makefile, despite the difficulties with it
* We had a complaint about the programming environment: mac shortcuts are odd and the editor we used wasn’t very good
* We enjoyed using C for a change and we liked very much to use our own “Dojo C Tests”. We have feature requests for it.
* We liked having new people
Action Items for Next Meeting
- Try to configure a new environment for programming, with a normal PC and editor