Participants: AlexandreFreire , BrunoGola , DaniloSato , EduardoSouza , HugoCorbucci , IgorSugupira , JulianMonteiro , KellyBraghetto , MarcioSantos , MarianaBravo , RodrigoPimentel
Scribe: MarianaBravo
Kata: Bowling in Python ( KataBowling )
- : 20:00 ~ 20:20 Introduction to the Dojo
A few participants came for the first time, so we started with a brief introduction to the Dojo.
20:20 ~ 21:40 Coding Session
After voting for the Bowling problem, we began coding the problem in Python with Randori style. We had dificulties in the begining because we didn’t understand the problem completely before starting to solve it. Halfway through the meeting we stopped coding and discussed parts of the problem that we hadn’t understood. Also, during the meeting, the group discussed two approaches to the problem without agreeing to stick to one of them. The pair up front decided which way to go next. We didn’t finish the problem, but the portion developed can be downloaded at